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Creating holloware for me is play time: exploring and combining techniques to create one of a kind pieces (or small collections) to intentionally expand my skill set and challenge myself creatively.

geometric patterned box front
Using a traditional Japanese kebori chisel and beading tools to do the patterning and texture. Lightly plated and patinated.

geometric patterned box 3/4

geometric patterned box top

silver and copper pill box
silver and copper mokume of two different patterns made into a small box

silver copper white brass wire
made entirely of square wire soldered together into sheet and formed into this shape. With a Basket weave pattern.

silver white brass wire
made entirely of square wire soldered into sheet and fabricated into this vessel. Won an Honorable Mention in the Saul Bell Design Awards (Holloware) in 2004.

mokume vessel

mokume Match safe
a replica of a 19th century Japanese match safe. in silver and copper mokume.
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